Header image, 'UIUX' with each letter held by a different Winnie the Pooh character (Pooh, Piglet, Owl, Eeyore) sitting on a grassy field.

Welcome to

Tues/Thurs 1-2:20PM
Kassar House, Foxboro Auditorium


We highly recommend bookmarking this schedule, as this contains all information regarding assignments, lectures, studios, and readings.
Note: slides and lecture capture are firstly and always available on Canvas in the slides folder and media library folders, respectively. The links in the schedule below are added later only for convenience.

pooh + friends!

Pooh reaching for honey. Image for [instructor] Talie. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi I'm Talie, I'm a fifth year PhD Candidate working with Prof. Jeff Huang. In my free time I like to watch cooking shows and play board games. I'm looking forward to working with you all this semester!
Pooh eating honey. Image for [instructor] Vanessa. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi I'm Vanessa, I'm an Adjunct Professor of the Practice. Currently, I am a Design Partner at Google Ventures and prior to that, I ran UX teams for Google Workspace, GoPro and Walmart Labs. I love advising students going into tech, travel and trying new condiments!
Pooh looking at a butterfly. Image for [hta] Caitlin. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hello! I'm Caitlin, a senior studying Cognitive Science from California. I love reading & art, most things outdoors, and am on the club tennis team here at Brown!
Pooh holding a ballon. Image for [hta] Jessica. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi! I'm Jess, a senior concentrating in CS. In my free time, I love watching asian dramas, eating yummy food, and taking late night naps :) So excited to meet you!
Owl holding a phone. Image for Alex. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hey I'm Alex, a senior from Boston studying CS. I love pretending to be a chef in The Bear and saying 'behind' and 'hands' to my roommates when I cook at home. Still saving up for a Merz B. Schwanen 2-Thread Heavyweight T-shirt
Piglet holding a flower. Image for Audrey. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
hi everyone! im a sophomore from nyc studying sociology and cs. i love chai lattes, doing nyt mini crosswords, and crocheting :)
Tigger bouncing. Image for Austin. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hello Hello! I'm Austin, a senior studying Computer Science from New Hampshire. When I'm not furiously trying to fix my broken code, you can find me practicing with Brown's Taekwondo team, playing video games, or taking pictures!
Rabbit looking at a flower. Image for Elaine. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi! I'm Elaine, a senior studying Applied Math-Economics from San Ramon, California. In my free time, I love checking out new cafes, napping, and walking aimlessly around Trader Joes. I'm trying to read and cook more this semester (if you have any recs or recipes!!) -- so excited to meet everyone :)
Kanga flipping an egg. Image for Elizabeth. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi! I'm Elizabeth, a senior studying CS from Seattle (Bellevue), Washington. I love to consume media, play The Sims, and shop. If you ever want to gab about movies, music, or any Bravo show, I'm available <3
Eeyore somersaulting. Image for Fiona. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi! I'm Fiona, a junior studying an IC in Human-Computer Interaction & Design. I'm originally from New Jersey but spent a year at UC San Diego before my time here at Brown, and I love creating, puzzling, and grocery shopping!
Rabbit holding a carrot. Image for Grace. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hello! Im Grace Chen, a senior studying cs and visual art. I grew up in San Diego, CA and you can find me painting, performing with Brown’s Attitude dance company, or binging a tv show with a crochet hook in hand. I love talking about all things design, and I am so excited to be your TA this semester!
Piglet in the snow. Image for Jesse. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi, I'm Jesse! I’m a senior studying Architecture from Massachusetts, but I really love everything art & design. I run on anything espresso or espresso-adjacent.
Owl singing. Image for Michael. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Ciao! I'm Michael, an Ohio-raised Floridaman who strives to positively impact the intersection among technology, education, and wellness. I'm also a music connoisseur 🎶, avid trader 📈, basketball lover 🏀, and privacy enthusiast 🔐.
Roo jumping. Image for Sarah. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi, I’m Sarah! I’m a senior from NYC studying CS. I love art (from collages to dance to poetry) and I love binging a good show. Obsess with me about anything produced by Issa Rae :)
Roo looking at a bee. Image for Sean. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi everyone! I'm Sean, and I'm a current junior studying cs from the dmv! In my (non-existent) free time, I like to binge kdramas and listen to music, and I'm also a cellist in the orchestra here at brown!
Tigger drinking an energy drink. Image for Thomas. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
hi I'm thomas, a junior studying cs. In my free time, i like playing piano, basketball, and keeping the streets of Gotham safe from crime.
Eeyore taking a nap. Image for Toshi. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi! I’m Toshi, a senior studying CS. Fun fact: I like sparkling water, like, a lot.
Kanga and Roo. Image for William. Illustration by Caitlin Rowlings.
Hi! I'm William, a senior studying CS from Beijing, Hong Kong and Vancouver. I love making/listening to music and all things entrepreneurial. I'm also a foodie and newcomer restauranteur at Times Square.


Is this course capped?

Yes. For Spring 2024 the course will be capped to 100 students. If you would like to join the class, please request an override code on C@B and fill out THIS FORM (link removed) to join the waitlist. Students will be admitted into the course during the first week of classes.

Is there a waitlist for this course?

Yes. After the first week of class we will admit people off the waitlist who have an open override request in C@B and who have the course in their cart on C@B. Note that because the course is capped we may not be able to admit everyone off the waitlist.

Are there prerequisites for this course?

This course requires completion of one of the intro CS sequences (CS19 or CS20) as well as CS32 (Intro to Software Engineering). You may request an override for the prerequisites by sending a link to a github repository of work you did demonstrating use of object-oriented programming, data structures, and functional programming concepts. If you are on the waitlist, then include the link there in the question field that asks for it. Graduate students that have taken courses that cover these topics should note that on the waitlist form.

I might miss some of the classes, can I be excused?

This course is very dependent on in-class activities, so we strongly suggest you attend every class you can in person. However, if you must miss class please email Talie [talie_massachi (at) brown.edu] ahead of time so we can set something up for you. You will lose points for any unexcused absences (just make sure to email me!)

Will this course be online or in-person?

In-person. Lectures will be live and studios will be in person. Lecture recordings will be accessible via Canvas.

What will studios be like?

The studio lab hours will be outside regular lecture hours. Each assignment will have a corresponding studio, where you will cover relevant topics or do work on the assignment. TAs will have an activity prepared for students in studio, and will be around to give feedback to students during this time.

Can I take this course as a non-cs concentrator or incoming first-year student?

Usually there is a separate course, CS 0130, which is designed for non-concentrators and has no prerequistes. This year we are only offering CS 1300, but you may still enroll in CS 1300 if you satisfy the pre-reqs even as a non-CS concentrator.

Can I take this course as a RISD student?

This year we are not offering CS 0130 so RISD students should meet the same prerequisites as Brown students to take CS 1300.

I will miss class on [DATE]. Can I be excused?

We do not take class attendance, but there will be in-class activities that require hand-in during lecture. Each student can miss up to two (2) of these activity points with no consequence. If you anticipate missing more than two classes, contact the course instructors.

Can I take this course as a capstone?

Yes, for a capstone, you should extend an assignment into something that has substantial development and design components and release it. For instance, you could take your Iterative Design prototype and build it fully to the point where it's a deployable app. This can be done as a group, but the amount of work should be proportional to the group size. Both juniors and seniors may take CS 1300 for a capstone. Only the online capstone form needs to be filled out, which you should already have received via email from the department earlier in September. The capstone can be done anytime in the semester, up until final grading is due.

Will there be a textbook for this course?

No, all readings will be available on this website.

Will there be a final exam?

No, you will complete a portfolio for your final assignment.
Original design by Jessica Wan
Illustrations by Caitlin Rowlings
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